Al’s Truck collection open for one more week

Volunteers Nicole Gould and Randall Gray take a turn accepting donations from folks trying to

Volunteers Nicole Gould and Randall Gray take a turn accepting donations from folks trying to "Fill Al's Truck" with food for local food pantries and socks for the Worcester Fellowship homeless ministry. PHOTO BY GREG VINE


For the Athol Daily News

Published: 12-12-2024 3:00 PM

ATHOL – If the spirit of the holidays has inspired anyone to help those less fortunate, Bonnie Benjamin says, “There’s still room in the truck.”

The truck in question belongs to Bonnie’s husband Al and for the past few Sundays, people from Athol and the surrounding area have been trying to fill it with non-perishable food items and white crew socks. Two more weekends remain to make a donation.

Any food that is donated will be split between the Athol Salvation Army Food Pantry and the Family & Community Center at Athol High School. The socks will be delivered to the Worcester Fellowship to support its homeless ministry. Monetary donations for the food pantries will also be accepted. Al Benjamin said personal hygiene items are also in great demand.

Al’s truck has also been designated as a drop-off location for items purchased for the Salvation Army’s Angel Tree.

“If people can’t make it the Salvation Army during the hours it’s open, they can always stop by my truck over the next couple of Sundays,” said Al Benjamin.

The truck will be parked in the lot of the Athol Congregational Church, 1225 Chestnut St., on Dec. 15 and Dec. 22 from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Originally, Dec. 15 was to be the final Sunday for accepting donations, but it was decided to give donors one more week to drop off their items, according to Al Benjamin.

“So far we have collected 520 items,” said Bonnie Benjamin. “It was hoped the project would reach a goal of 1,000 items. The need is great, and our food security partners can only give what they have.”

Al Benjamin added, “The ACC [ Athol Congregational Church] will continue to support this and other community efforts throughout the year as needed. Thanks to all who are able to join in helping others.”

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Greg Vine can be reached at