Athol Police Logs: June 3 to June 11, 2024

Published: 06-24-2024 4:35 PM

Modified: 06-28-2024 2:00 PM

Athol Police LogsJune 3 – June 11Monday, June 3

5:26 p.m. - Caller reporting her and her mom are being harassed at Silver Lake Beach. States the juveniles harassing them are now believed to be walking to the playground. One girl is wearing a pink shirt and has red hair and one of the boys is Hispanic and wearing a black hoodie. Officer spoke with juveniles who stated they did not harass the reporting party. Juveniles were advised to keep to themselves. Officer stood by while reporting party and her children packed up and left for the evening.

Tuesday, June 4

3:27 p.m. - Caller reporting he was at the bus stop on Main Street with his pet rabbit and he turned around to get a hot dog and someone stole his rabbit. Male party stated he left his rabbit in the cage by the bus stop with food and water to go look for his wife. Reporting party stated he returned five minutes later and the rabbit and belongings were gone. Reporting party looking for a callback if the animal is located.

5:32 p.m. - Multiple 911 calls for a disturbance in the middle of the road on South Athol Road after a dog was struck by a vehicle. Dog was brought to the vet. Operator of the vehicle called and reported what occurred, stating she left because the parties on scene were threatening her.

Wednesday, June 5

7:20 p.m. - Reporting party stated a Hispanic male driving a beat-up tan sedan had knocked on her door on Barrett Avenue. She answered but did not find out what he was selling and he left and headed down Spring Street. She thought it was odd he did not knock on any other doors. Party was dressed in a dark shirt and jeans. Officer checked the area. Unable to locate.

Saturday, June 8

10:40 a.m. - Caller from South Street reporting a vehicle with two occupants inside sitting in the area watching them do yard work. Reporting party stated it is making his mother nervous. Party waiting for realtor. No issues.

Monday, June 10

5:22 p.m. - Caller reporting what appears to be a homeless couple with a young child soliciting for money and transportation. Parties were looking for money to stay in a hotel so their children did not have to stay in the van for the night. Officer attempted to contact Salvation Army with no success.

7:20 p.m. - Caller from Gibson Drive reporting she lent her neighbor a ladder and she is refusing to return it.

7:55 p.m. - Caller from Malvina Avenue reporting there is someone flying a drone in the area and keeps going over his yard. Office spoke with a male party on Lincoln Avenue who stated he was flying his drone to locate a bald eagle. No issues.

Tuesday, June 11

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5:04 p.m. - Caller reporting vehicles driving on Silver Lake Beach and she doesn’t think the gate should be open. Lifeguards were having a meeting and cleaning up the beach.