Free digital tech workshop for seniors at Athol Public Library

Athol Public Library STAFF FILE PHOTO
Published: 08-09-2024 9:36 AM
Modified: 08-14-2024 2:00 PM |
Applications are now being accepted for the third session of technology classes at the Athol Public Library as part of the Council on Aging and Library’s Embrace Technology grant project. The free classes are open to anyone 60 or older living in Athol or the Quabbin region interested in improving their digital skills and online experiences.
Past participants report gaining confidence in their abilities and encourage others to apply.
Everyone who participates will be given a brand-new Apple iPad to use in class and at home. The grant also ensures access to the internet in the participant’s home through the long-term loan of a Wi-Fi hotspot.
The workshop begins on Thursday, Sept. 12 and runs through Oct. 31. Classes will be held once a week for eight Thursdays from 5 to 6:30 p.m. at the Athol Public Library. Each week a different topic will be covered including: Getting to know your iPad, email, making the most of the internet, online banking and cybersecurity, health online, social media, staying in touch, and entertainment and hobbies. In order to provide individual attention, the workshop size is limited to six participants.
Anyone interested in attending must complete an application, available at the COA or APL, and submit it to either location by Thursday, Aug. 15. Participants will be selected by lottery from qualified applicants.
For more information about the workshop, Wi-Fi hotspots, or one-to-one tutoring sessions, call the COA at 978-249-8986 or the library at 978-249-9515.
This project is supported by a grant from the Massachusetts Executive Office of Elder Affairs (EOEA) to enhance the digital literacy of older adults. This grant draws on funding from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) intended to strengthen, enhance, and expand Medicaid Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) in the commonwealth.
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