Athol Fire Chief Joseph Guarnera announces retirement

Athol Fire Chief Joseph Guarnera introduces the three newest members of the town's Fire Department. (From left) Guarnera, Joshua McGrath of New Salem, Connor Lordan of Westminster, and Timothy Fritt of Erving.

Athol Fire Chief Joseph Guarnera introduces the three newest members of the town's Fire Department. (From left) Guarnera, Joshua McGrath of New Salem, Connor Lordan of Westminster, and Timothy Fritt of Erving. PHOTO BY GREG VINE—

Three new EMS/firefighters have joined the Athol Fire Department. The were introduced Tuesday night by Fire Chief Joseph Guarnera, second from left. The new personnel are (l-r); Connor Lordan, Joshua McGrath and Timothy Fritt.

Three new EMS/firefighters have joined the Athol Fire Department. The were introduced Tuesday night by Fire Chief Joseph Guarnera, second from left. The new personnel are (l-r); Connor Lordan, Joshua McGrath and Timothy Fritt. PHOTO BY GREG VINE—


For the Athol Daily News

Published: 11-20-2024 1:00 PM

Modified: 11-20-2024 2:32 PM

ATHOL – Following six years in Athol – during which he strongly advocated for overrides to increase the Fire Department’s staff – Fire Chief Joseph Guarnera is stepping down.

At Tuesday’s meeting, the Selectboard briefly discussed the unexpected announcement. Chair Stephen Raymond thanked the chief for his service and said he would be missed in Athol. Raymond cited the chief’s accomplishments, which included leading a team effort to increase fire and EMS safety by four persons through a taxpayer-approved override.

Raymond added that Guarnera also leveraged grant funding exceeding $2 million to cover a new fire pumper, a brush truck, self-contained breathing apparatus, training funds for up to four paramedics, firefighting gear for new personnel, and more.

“After six years of service here in Athol,” said Raymond, “Fire Chief Joseph Guarnera has announced his retirement from the fire service in Massachusetts. He will be greatly missed, believe me.”

"I had mixed emotions when the chief told me about his decision," said Town Manager Shaun Suhoski Wednesday afternoon. "First, because he's done such a good job in his time here, working on the various objectives that were set forth when we hired him - mainly to update the equipment, apparatus, and the training standards for the department - and he succeeded in all of those.

"On the other hand," he continued, "I understand, through my discussions with him, his reasoning for permanent retirement from the fire service in Massachusetts. I'll respect his privacy and decision-making process. So, I wish him the best. He's done a great job, he's been a great colleague to work with, and he's a good person - he has a good heart."

Asked about filling the vacancy left by Guarnera's departure, Suhoski said, "I have had the ability to interact and see first-hand - and hear accounts - throughout the agency as to the astounding amount of talent and professionalism and training of our command staff. In looking at that, it really made sense to do an internal posting, so that's what we've done. Applications will be due on Tuesday, Nov. 26, and I'm hopeful we'll have a strong candidate from within our ranks who we can promote."

In April, Athol voters, by a close margin of 639-543, approved a Proposition 2 ½ override of $286,000 to fund the hiring of three new EMS/firefighters. Guarnera had argued at several meetings that the additional personnel was necessary to provide adequate coverage on each of four shifts at the station, cut down on overtime costs, and reduce stress on firefighters.

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At Tuesday’s meeting, Guarnera introduced the three firefighters whose hiring was made possible through the override.

Guarnera told the board that Connor Lordan of Westminster will be starting at the Massachusetts Firefighting Academy on Jan. 2 and will begin training as a paramedic next September. Joshua McGrath of New Salem is currently in training to become a paramedic and will enroll in the academy once that has been completed. Timothy Fritt of Erving will also start at the academy on Jan. 2, “followed by med school after that,” said Guarnera.

“So, we are very happy and pleased,” said the chief. “We are very, very, very happy to have them on board.”

A fourth new EMS/firefighter position, which was funded in the town’s FY25 budget, has yet to be filled.

Greg Vine can be reached at