Angela Rovatti-Leonard and Scott Schmith, and Pat Hynes: If Peace signs could talk

Lum3n/via Pexels

Published: 07-10-2024 6:02 PM

Modified: 07-10-2024 8:40 PM

I want to add an inspiring quote from the Carnegie Public Library in Turners Falls that was not included in reporter Erin-Leigh Hoffmann’s very good July 1 article, “Village effort promotes peace,” on peace signs in local shop and social organization windows: “If the PEACE sign in the window of the Carnegie Public Library could talk, it would say, ‘All are welcome here!’”

The sign, placed in a spot seen by patrons inside and passersby on the sidewalk, would share the mission of our three libraries with everyone it meets: “The Montague Public Libraries offer materials, services, and programs to foster educational, cultural, and recreational enrichment in the community. Everyone is welcome through our doors.”

If someone who felt they didn’t belong and asked the sign, “Even me?” the sign would say, “Yes! The Montague Public Libraries are for everyone.’”

Librarians Angela Rovatti-Leonard
and Scott Schmith, and Pat Hynes


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