Eileen Mariani: A new generation of volunteers needed


Published: 07-30-2024 8:57 PM

Growing older has been an interesting process. Whether I celebrate the advancing years or dread them, one thing is certain: I can’t do all the things I used to easily do like multi-tasking or answering many Jeopardy! questions! Many of my friends are in the same position. One benefit of aging though is the thoughtfulness we have experienced of younger adults trying to help, support, and listen to us. We have so much to share from our own life experiences with each other and/or with the generations behind us.

There has been much discussion among the older generation, who have been involved in organizations, about needing to pass the torch to a younger generation. Whether it be as a volunteer firefighter or a town meeting member or a volunteer at local social organizations, young adults are needed. Personally, I have great faith in these younger adults as they are dealing with a very complex world. The opportunities to contribute, through acts of service, are endless.

For the past several years, I have volunteered to help form a new community called Montague Villages. Our mission is to help adults over 60 residing in Montague (Turners Falls, Millers Falls, Lake Pleasant, Montague Center, Montague City — the five villages) to age in place with dignity and independence by offering volunteer services, access to information, and community connections. Our website www.montaguevillages.org contains all the information necessary to join us as either a member or a volunteer or both. We have a target date of late fall to be fully operational. Many elders have signed on and now we are actively seeking the younger generations to be part of this service for your neighbors in the town of Montague.

Eileen Mariani


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