Marguerite Willis: Disturbed by political column

Lum3n/via Pexels
Published: 08-01-2024 8:54 PM |
The July 26 column by Dan Brown titled “Violent words lead to violent acts” gave me a great pause.
As a long-time reader and basically a fan of Dan Brown, I was so seriously saddened. I do not always agree but I read him for respectful but differing opinions. His words, 'The calls for political violence have, in fact, come exclusively from the Republicans especially from Trump and his fascist-loving enablers" are disgraceful and disappointing.
I could respond with a long list from another perspective but that would be to no avail.
I'm wondering if the Recorder would/could/should hold a contest for the most outrageous political comments. They might produce a few laughs and boy, do we need some humor.
Marguerite Willis