Randi E. Klein: Support for the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact
Published: 08-09-2024 3:28 PM |
As a board member of the Northampton Area chapter of the League of Women Voters, I appreciated Allen Woods’ recent column [“Who loves the Electoral College?” Aug. 3] explaining the history and concerns related to the Electoral College. His column references the nationalpopularvote.com website, which offers more information about the issues and about a response gaining national traction: the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact.
Massachusetts legislators passed the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact in 2010. This bill seeks to guarantee the presidency to the candidate who receives the most popular votes in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. It will apply the “one person, one vote” principle to presidential elections, and make every vote equal. The National Popular Vote Interstate Compact has now been approved in 17 states and the District of Columbia, accounting for 209 of the 270 electoral votes required for nationwide enactment. As more states pass the compact, this could potentially be the last presidential election under the current system.
Legislators must continue to support the National Popular Vote and resist any efforts to repeal it. Gratitude to the Massachusetts legislators in 2010 and now, prioritizing the voices of voters in the commonwealth, and committed to protecting the compact going forward.
Randi E. Klein
Board member, voter services, League of Women Voters of Northampton Area, Northampton