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Officials make pitch for $100 million fund to make Connecticut River watershed more resilient
11-13-2024 2:30 PM


NORTHAMPTON — A $100 million fund to support the health and resilience of the Connecticut River watershed, including money that would go toward improving aging flood controls and dikes and upgrading water and sewer systems, is being sought by area...

Displaying articles 1 to 3 out of 3 total.

Western Mass farmers battle ‘pumpkin plague’
09-30-2024 3:50 PM


With the start of October right around the corner, some squash and pumpkin farmers in the Pioneer Valley and North Quabbin are bearing the burden of Phytophthora capsici — a soil-based disease described by one farmer as being “like the plague” for...

Farmers grateful for more typical growing season after 2023 floods devastated fields
07-18-2024 1:10 PM


After a frantic emergency response to save animals and equipment on July 10, 2023, David Fisher and Maggie Toran assessed their farm field as memories of Hurricane Irene came flooding back.At their horse-powered, community-supported agriculture (CSA)...

Farmers applaud state, private donors for support through Farm Resiliency Fund
09-26-2023 4:00 PM


With $10,000 donations already sent to hundreds of farms around western and central Massachusetts, farmers have praised the joint efforts of the state and private donors for supporting the Farm Resiliency Fund.The initial round of funding went out on...

Displaying articles 1 to 3 out of 3 total.

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