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Keyword search: Native American

Author to discuss King Phillip’s War at Winchendon Library
01-21-2025 4:00 PM


WINCHENDON – On Jan. 30, history buffs will have an opportunity to learn about King Phillip’s War during a presentation on a new book which resulted from many years of research.

Displaying articles 1 to 2 out of 2 total.

Oglala-Lakota Nation receives headdresses taken to Barre in ceremony
11-12-2024 2:15 PM


BARRE – Just shy of two years ago, on Nov. 5, 2022, Barre’s Woods Memorial Library returned to the Oglala-Lakota Nation more than 130 items connected to the 1890 massacre of nearly 300 Native Americans near Wounded Knee Creek on the Pine Ridge...

A Page From North Quabbin History: The Mishoon Project
04-14-2023 4:15 PM

By Carla CharterAmong the items on display at the Phillipston Historical Society is a Mishoon, an indigenous dugout canoe, discovered in 1967 by the Athol Frogmen at Queen Lake in about 10 feet of water. Jerry Lozier of Athol was the Frogman who found...

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