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Nature lovers gather at Adams Farm for hawk watch
05-05-2024 5:00 PM


ATHOL – Area raptor enthusiasts have been gathering at Adams Farm in Athol since March 11 to take part in the annual hawk watch.The team leader of the event is Mark Morris of Eastern Mass Hawk Watch, who has coordinated the event in recent years with...

Displaying articles 1 to 5 out of 5 total.

Sportsman’s Corner: Early trout stocking?
03-07-2024 4:52 PM

By Mike RocheThis spring, people have been buzzing about how early things are happening in the natural world. Ice out on local lakes and ponds happened earlier than anyone can remember. Some ponds went from 5-6 inches of ice to ice out in less than a...

Sportsman’s Corner: Northward bound
02-29-2024 5:00 PM

By Mike RocheThis time of year this writer finds his eyes searching the skies. About now, migrating birds are beginning to move and head north to find suitable habitat for nesting. Some travel great distances, like the arctic tern that can literally...

Quabbin Visitor Center renamed in memory of Les and Terry Campbell
06-05-2023 6:21 PM


With the Quabbin Reservoir in the background, friends and supporters celebrated a day two years in the making.The Quabbin Reservoir Visitor Center in Belchertown has been renamed the Les and Terry Campbell Quabbin Visitor Center to honor the two...

A colorful visitor in Orange
03-17-2023 3:35 PM

Fine feathered dining
03-03-2023 4:41 PM

Displaying articles 1 to 5 out of 5 total.

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