Keyword search: music
ATHOL – The Athol Cultural Council recently awarded a total of $19,000 of funding to several local organizations to support cultural, educational and artistic initiatives in the greater Athol community.
ATHOL – Thursday’s Community Night Out at Athol High School saw costumes, music and much more at an annual event that is proving very popular.ARRSD Family & Community Center Director Shirley Mitchell estimated that nearly 1,500 people showed up to...
ATHOL – For jazz lovers, the Athol Historical Society Museum is the place to be the evening of Thursday, Oct. 17.In what society President Michael Adams hopes will become an annual event, Wanda Houston, Eugene Uman and local talent Weldon Hendricks...
WINCHENDON – After a year’s hiatus, the popular Winchendon Music Festival is returning to the Toy Town.Three of the five performances will take place in the Murdock-Whitney House, home of the Winchendon History and Cultural Center, while two will be...
ATHOL – Comfortable temperatures and a slight breeze complimented perfect weather Friday for the annual event honoring the area’s senior citizens.Seniors, volunteers, a local official or two, and hundreds of other people gathered at Silver Lake Park...
ROYALSTON — Mother nature conjured up some perfect summer weather as about 100 people and a dozen dogs made their way to Royalston Common on Sunday for the annual Royalston Music Fest.Musical acts from around the North Quabbin area entertained from...
Annual Royalston Music FestThe Royalston Cultural Council is hosting the annual Royalston Music Fest this Sunday, Aug. 11 on the stage at Bullock Park, at the south end of Royalston Common. The family friendly event runs from noon to 4 p.m. is free to...
Early in-person voting in RoyalstonROYALSTON – Early in-person voting will take place on Saturday, Aug. 24, from 9 a.m.-5p.m. and Wednesday, Aug. 28, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. at the town clerk’s office, Whitney Hall, 5 School St. Saturday, Aug. 24, is the last...
By Carla CharterThe Full Moon Coffeehouse, located in Wendell Town Hall, has been a staple in Wendell and the surrounding North Quabbin towns for 38 years, and along the way has become the longest-running coffeehouse in New England.“The coffeehouse is...
ATHOL – This week brings with it the second in the Fourth Friday event series planned for this summer.With a tip of the hat to Alice Cooper, the theme chosen for this Friday’s event is “School’s Out for Summer.” Main Street will be blocked off from...
The 38th annual Green River Festival persevered through two days of severe weather this weekend as rain and thunderstorms brought delays and schedule changes for performers and festival-goers.Friday’s programming began when the gates to the Franklin...
Athol Hospital receives IPRO Quality AwardATHOL – Athol Hospital has been named a recipient of a 2024 IPRO Quality Award presented in recognition of its significant achievements in improving healthcare quality. Athol Hospital is a participant in the...
We are days away from the Green River Festival, one of the most anticipated and most popular summer events in Franklin County. Now in its 38th year, the festival will run from June 21 to 23, Friday through Sunday, at the Franklin County Fairgrounds in...
WINCHENDON – Winchendon Winds, an orchestra consisting almost entirely of wind instruments, was founded in 2015 by Jon Nicholson, EdD, an accomplished music educator, conductor and music program developer with more than six decades of experience.A...
By Max Bowen
WINCHENDON – As they say, the show must go on.William Ladeau, drummer and promoter for the rock band Black Diamond, is hosting an eight-hour music festival this Saturday, May 18, at the Snowbound Club in Winchendon. Originally meant to be a 40th...
Knights of Columbus top free throw shootersATHOL – On April 6, Athol’s top free throw shooters returned from the Knights of Columbus State Free Throw Championship in Holliston with three trophies. All three boys won their age division at the council,...
Area residents can enjoy free holiday music programs this month, performances sponsored by a trust established nearly 100 years ago.A public program of holiday music will be presented Saturday, Dec. 9, at 5:30 p.m. at the Federated Church of...
TEMPLETON — Following a devastating fire at the Otter River Pub & Red Onion Pool Hall, owner Matt Black has been hard at work to open the doors once again.In late September, a fire caused significant damage to the historical building’s second and...
GREENFIELD — After 36 years of involvement with organizing the Green River Festival, Director Jim Olsen announced Thursday that he and Signature Sounds Presents will be passing the event onto new ownership.DSP Shows, which Olsen touted as a “leading...
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