Athol Police Logs: Aug. 4 to Aug. 12, 2024

Published: 08-18-2024 5:00 PM
Modified: 08-27-2024 12:48 PM |
3:17 p.m. - Caller from Cass Circle reporting flooding in her neighborhood. The drains aren’t draining. DPW was made aware and states it always floods, there are no drains.
5:33 p.m. - Female party in the lobby crying, requesting to speak to an officer. Female party walked out and drove away. MSP reporting the female showed up at their barracks stating “we never help.” They were advised she was in the lobby for not even five minutes and then left.
11:02 a.m. - Multiple 911 misdials. No answer on multiple call backs. Officer spoke with a male party who was just mowing the lawn, all was well. Confirmed no emergency.
7:46 p.m. - Report of a party sleeping on Main Street. No one there at this time, just a blanket
10:14 a.m. - Caller reporting a tractor trailer unit trying to get under the bridge on Tunnel Street and backing traffic up. Officer assisted with traffic.
12:12 p.m. - Caller would like to speak to an officer about an issue he has with people living in tents at the Sanders Street School. Reporting party wanted to advise officers that there are 4-8 people living in tents behind his house on Sanders Street, and that his upstairs neighbor has an extension cord from her apartment to their tent and the lights can be seen on at night. Also, there are several vehicles that pull up, they go to the window for a few minutes and then walk away and the vehicle drives away. Reporting party stated the tents are covered by brush and trees so they can’t be seen by anyone from the road.
5:54 p.m. - Male caller over 911 stating his truck broke down and he is at a bad corner on New Sherborn Road. Tow company took truck from the scene.
6:29 a.m. - Caller from Freedom Street reporting a female party in the road behaving strangely. No description given. Transported female party to School Street Apartments.
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Yesterday's Most Read Articles

4:14 p.m. - One-car accident on Main Street involving a 2013 Toyota Prius. Female party backed into the pole in the parking lot. Minor damage to rear passenger bumper (dent, paint, scratches). No damage to utility pole.
7:54 a.m. - Owner of a store on South Main Street reporting a vehicle that has been in their parking lot and would like it moved. Made contact with female party who advised she will be moving the car.
12:57 p.m – Two car accident on Unity and Lincoln avenues involving a 2020 Honda Odyssey and a 2021 Honda Pilot.