Barb Baldwin: Thank you Tom Peabody

Lum3n/via Pexels

Published: 07-08-2024 4:09 PM

Modified: 07-10-2024 8:36 PM

I just want to say thank you to Tom Peabody from South Deerfield for his letter to the editor about Trump supporters sick of being insulted [“Sick of being insulted for supporting Trump,” July 5].

I recently resubscribed to my local newspaper after canceling several times due to the platform provided to the liberal elitists. I completely agree with everything Peabody said. I am also educated as well as open-minded. I do not insult my friends or family who support Biden, or any candidate who I do not support, and I never would.

The reverse has not always been the same, unfortunately. But the intent of my letter is to simply thank Peabody for writing what I’m sure many of us non-Biden people are feeling.

Barb Baldwin


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